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Top Takeaways from Sunday's Message

Here's the top takeaways from Pastor Chad's message titled "The Mountain of God", which covered Exodus 19:

  • God's love for us is astonishing - He desires deep fellowship with each of us, though we often push Him away. How can we draw nearer to Him today?

  • Like an eagle sheltering her young, God carried the Israelites to safety. He still gently upholds us through all life's storms.

  • Israel has a special purpose as God's chosen nation, just as we have a divine calling as adopted children of God. How are we stewarding this high honor?

  • Animal sacrifices foreshadowed Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Now we can freely approach God because Jesus tore the temple veil. Are we taking full advantage of this direct access to the throne of grace?

  • The Israelites took time to prepare their hearts before meeting God. What intentional steps can we take today to ready our spirits for worship on Sunday?

  • Approaching our holy God requires reverence. Let us not take weekend worship for granted, but see it as a gift - a divine appointment.

  • Though God is dismissed in many public spheres, He calls us to unashamedly share His hope. Who can you engage this week with gentleness and respect?

  • What we focus on grows. Our gratitude and attention reveal our values. In a distracted world, how can we keep our eyes fixed on eternal realities?

  • Jesus' return draws closer every day. Now is the time to get our houses in order and spread the good news of salvation to all who will listen.

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